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Vline Lipo Lab Aqualyx Lipolysis Injection For Weight Loss

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type




 What is Aqualyx?

Aqualyx is a compound solution from the deoxycholate family that has been physically modified and, by creating a slow release sugar-based system, the biological half-life is reduced which results in minimal side effects. Developed by renowned aesthetic surgeon the late Professor Motolese, Aqualyx has been available internationally since 2009, and over 2,000,000 vials have been used for patient treatments in 49 countries worldwide.

Professor Motolose developed an injection technique, for the treatment known as ‘Aqualysis ™’ or ‘Aquaplasty™’ and a precise protocol is followed. Aqualysis™ or Aquaplasty™ consists of injecting the solution into localised fat deposits in areas such as saddle bags, thighs, stomachs, chins and knees. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynocomastia in men. Aqualyx liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. Aqualysis™ can be used in conjunction with an ultrasound device to assist in the dissipation of Aqualyx throughout the localised fat cells.

Find out more on the Aqualyx Website



  How Does Aqualyx Work?

The solution is injected into the treatment area whereby Aqualyx alters the surface tension of the fat cell membrane and increases the permeability of the membrane. An ultrasound device is then applied over the surface of the skin in the targeted area and this causes the movement of liquids both inside and outside the fat cells. The fat cells start to balloon and break up, leading to the drainage of micro droplets of fatty liquid into the body, which is then metabolised through the lymphatic system and excreted.


  Uses & Application of Aqualyx

There are some other interesting uses for Aqualyx:

  • For those people who are regular gym goers but cannot shed the last bit of fat to define a six pack, Aqualyx can be used very successfully to give that definition.
  • For people with lipomas, Aqualyx can be injected into these.
  • For people with a buffalo hump, Aqualyx can be used to reduce the size of this.
  • People with uneven lumps of fat after other treatments such as Vaser or liposuction can have smoothness restored with Aqualyx.

Aqualyx can able used over the entire body for dissolution of fat deposits.
Areas include:

  1. Upper limbs – around triceps
  2. Folds on the back (below the ribs)
  3. Belly
  4. Loins
  5. Breeches
  6. Outer buttocks region
  7. The inner side of thighs
  8. The inner side of knee
  9. Double chin / Jaw contouring

Only 3 to 6 sessions are normally required to get the best results and what’s more – once you have completed your treatments the results can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle.